Friday, October 31, 2008

Can It Be Over Yet?!

Look I’m tired of this whole presidential election. Tuesday could not come quick enough. I know, I know, the election is important. But at the same time it’s not like our vote really counts in the first place. Everywhere you turn its Obama this, McCain that. Everywhere you turn someone’s bashing someone else. Now African American’s are saying that there vote won’t be counted. Will the excuses never end? What happens happens. That’s life get use to it. In the long run you should already know that the country is run by a few wealthy families that have all the pull in Washington. Sure racism is going to play a part in the election. Race is almost always an issue in any important decision where race can be brought up. Why can’t this election be over with already, all that it’s doing is dividing people in the country more than it already is? We as a nation need to unite, especially with the financial crisis that we are in. Right now I know people in London, and most Londonites aren’t very fond of the U.S. Like the saying goes, “when the U.S. gets the sniffles, the U.K. gets the flu.” I think the U.S. (as a people) has too much on their plate to deal with at once. So when November 4th is finally over with then we can turn our attention to more pressing issues that plague us, and not some crap slinging election. And that’s what I think!

Friday, October 3, 2008


“Let's face it: the Bailout Bill doesn't get to the heart of what's wrong with our economy.” That is what Andy Stern said about the bailout that just got passed yesterday. I agree with this statement. He also goes on to say that the bill won’t solve issues from rising unemployment, to the tax system. And I also agree with him on this issue. I’m sure that almost everyone that reads this can agree or at least relate to this. As you can tell the blog is up lifting the Democratic party, and he goes on to say that Obama is the light of hope and change for the American families. Me personally, I don’t see it. I think that Obama does not have the experience to lead.
Andy Stern is the president of the SIEU (Service Employees International Union) and they have an idea that the could make “a real investment in main street.” Witch gives their ideas on how to spend some of the bailout money (due to grey areas of the bill,) such as “the inadequate oversight, lack of transparency, and excessive risk-taking practices of private equity firms, hedge funds, and other unregulated institutions that are now culminating in what is globally perceived as the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression.” And goes on with a list on how to spend the money, and how much it would cost (click on the link for the list.)
Look I don’t agree with his pick for President, but one thing that we can agree on is the regular, middle-class person needs help. Soon to even be qualified for a home loan (without a co-signer) you will almost need a credit score of about 700 says my wonderful mother (whom works for a major home builder.) Look we all need a little help at times, and hopefully more people will stand up and say “what about us.” We need our voice to be heard. And people (or groups) like the SEIU will hopefully get it started for people to stand up and get their voice heard.
And that’s What I Think.
Jason H.