Friday, October 31, 2008

Can It Be Over Yet?!

Look I’m tired of this whole presidential election. Tuesday could not come quick enough. I know, I know, the election is important. But at the same time it’s not like our vote really counts in the first place. Everywhere you turn its Obama this, McCain that. Everywhere you turn someone’s bashing someone else. Now African American’s are saying that there vote won’t be counted. Will the excuses never end? What happens happens. That’s life get use to it. In the long run you should already know that the country is run by a few wealthy families that have all the pull in Washington. Sure racism is going to play a part in the election. Race is almost always an issue in any important decision where race can be brought up. Why can’t this election be over with already, all that it’s doing is dividing people in the country more than it already is? We as a nation need to unite, especially with the financial crisis that we are in. Right now I know people in London, and most Londonites aren’t very fond of the U.S. Like the saying goes, “when the U.S. gets the sniffles, the U.K. gets the flu.” I think the U.S. (as a people) has too much on their plate to deal with at once. So when November 4th is finally over with then we can turn our attention to more pressing issues that plague us, and not some crap slinging election. And that’s what I think!


Thornton Mellon said...

This article is in response to “Can It Be Over Yet?!” posted by jasonhol24 . I really admired your article about the election. You have a lot of passion and voice your opinions firmly, and honestly. It seems to me that you are sick and tired of all the rhetoric and would like things to be over with and get back to normal. The one thing I would disagree with you on is that I believe that your vote does count. I believe it does.
I agree that the country is much divided right now and you can tell that people on both sides of the aisle are upset and rightfully so. But one thing that we as citizens of the Republic should never give up on is our right and duty to bring about change when it is needed.
I often wonder why anyone would want to run for office. From the polls and opinions of citizen’s feelings of politics and politicians in general one may think that they are crazy to do so. I for one and very thankful that they do run. Granted that we the citizenry need to be ever vigilant and watchful and that we need to reward their good efforts with re-election, and punish their poor efforts with our one voice; our vote. Then my friend in your own words we can sit back and relax, “and turn our attention to more pressing issues.”

ryt said...

It has been a long road to the historical Election Day. There has been standard political rhetoric, excessive media coverage, and overwhelming support of both the Democratic and Republican parties. We were inundated with the campaign platforms. I was also ready for it to be over because it was getting old and tiresome. So yes, I believe many Americans were also saying “Can It Be Over Yet”.

Unfortunately I disagree that our votes didn’t count. I was proud to go vote and though the numbers were impressive, I still believe my single vote counted for something. It counted for believing in a new concept of living, it counted for change, it counted for fresh new ideas and much more. I agree that many people only see black and white. I agree that many people put value on racism. Racism would not be as strong as it is if we stop giving it power. Take the power of the word away and you will see that on this recent Election Day, I did not see a divided country. What I saw was unity. What I saw opportunity. What I saw was promise and they were both standing side by side representing unity not black and white.